The Terms and Conditions set out below (“Conditions”) apply to your use of this web site and related web sites (“Site”), including the use of the information & services offered on the Site. In accessing and using the Site, you shall be deemed to have read each and all the Conditions without modification. If you do not agree, please cease use of the site and leave the site immediately. These Conditions must be read in conjunction with any other applicable terms and conditions governing the use of the Site.


The information available on the Site relates to the hotels and resorts owned and managed by Sonar Bangla, a corporation constituted under the laws of India, and its subsidiaries, controlled entities, affiliates and related parties (“Sonar Bangla”).

Use of Site

The services of this Site are available only to individuals who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law, and thus, are not available to minors. By using this Site, You represent that You are of sufficient legal age to use this Site and to create binding legal obligations for any liability You may incur as a result of the use of this Site. You also warrant that You are legally authorized to make the travel reservations and/or purchases for either Yourself or for another person for whom.You are authorized to act. You may only use this Site to make legitimate reservations or purchases and shall not use this Site for any other purposes, including without limitation, to make any speculative, false or fraudulent reservations, or any reservation in anticipation of demand.

This Site is to be used by You for Your personal use only. Commercial uses of this Site are strictly prohibited unless prior written consent from Sonar Bangla has been granted. You agree that You will not use this Site for chain letters, junk mail, “spamming”, solicitations (commercial or non-commercial) or bulk communications of any kind including but not limited to distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a list.